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Create a New Customer

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There are actually several ways to Create a new Customer, but here is the easiest:

Use the Tasks Panel at the left of the work screen
Select the Action Manager
Select New Customer

Or use either of these methods to enter the Customer Lookup screen:

On the Work Menu at the top of the screen, click on the button for A/R (Accounts Receivable)
Use the Tasks Panel at the left of the work screen
Select the Lookup Manager
Select Customer Lookup.

Any time you are in the Customer Lookup screen you can create a new customer. Click on the New button at the bottom left of that screen.

The following topic covers the Customer Screen in detail.

Tip: You could also use the Quick Add feature to create a new Customer & Job Site while creating transactions (e.g. Work Order, Estimate, Equipment), without having to open the Customer Screen, for more details Quick Add Customer and Job Site Screen.


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