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Create a PO Requisition

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There are two ways to Create a new PO Requisition:

From an individual Work Order, PO Requisition Tab - can be done by anyone out in the field. At the bottom click the New button
From the Office Manager panel, select the PO Requisitions Tab - usually done by someone assigned to manage a number of Work Orders
Select My PO Requisitions
Click to select the desired Work Order
Then click on the Create Requisition button at the bottom left

The PO Requisition - New screen will open. For more details about creating a new PO Requisition, see Display the PO Requisition Screen.

See Also:

The Office Manager - Purchase Requisitions Tab has three Sub-Tabs: For more details, refer to them individually:

My PO Requisitions - shows existing PO Requisitions which you have created
Awaiting Approval - shows PO Requisitions you are assigned to Approve
Awaiting Processing - initiates Process Parts Requirements for this PO Requisition


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