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Post Multiple or Single Schedule Slots

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When you Post Multiple or Single Schedule Slots this is the final step, leaving the Status at Posted. (See the next topic, Understand Posting Schedule Slots, for more explanation.)

You can select the method to Control Schedule Posting:

On an individual, Slot-by-Slot basis
In batches, collecting a group of Schedule Slots together at once

Note: Batch processing is useful for Posting at a regular period (e.g. Daily, Weekly or Monthly).

Most of the time you would post a batch of Schedule Slots all at once, let's say at the end of the day when you collect Work Order reports from your Technicians, or at the end of the week before you do payroll or send out the Invoices to your Customers.

To post multiple Schedule Slots:

Use the Schedule Board
Click on the Actions button on the bottom left
Select Post Schedule Slots
The Schedule Posting screen then appears.

Note: Using this method includes only those Schedule Slots that are actually on the Schedule Board for the Date selection (See Calendar Navigator.)

Use the Office Manager:
Select the Schedule Manager Tab, then the Unposted Slots Sub-Tab
Click to select a Schedule Slot and click on Post Schedule Slots button on the bottom left.

To post a single Schedule Slot:

Right-click on the Schedule Slot
Select the Status for Posted.
Or, select the Time Slot Details Screen, where you can also set the Status to Posted.

Any of the above methods of selecting Posting will open the Post Schedule Slots screen.


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