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Uncompleted Slots Sub-Tab

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The Uncompleted Slots Sub-Tab shows all the Schedule Slots with an open Schedule Status:


Here is a sample of the Uncompleted Slots screen:

This screen, with multiple details, is a DataView, where you can adjust the layout, print or export the data (see DataView Menu). There may also be a header panel above for the "parent" of the details, or a DataView Footer below. Usually you can use key-matching search on fields like ID Number.

To help you manage many possible entries, this screen is already displayed using the Group-By bar, allowing you to drag column headers into the Group-By in the screen header.

Use the Horizontal Scroll Bar at the bottom of the window to see further valuable columns on the right.


To work with Schedule Slot detail lines on the screen:
Double-click on the detail line to open and review or make changes to the Time Slot Details
Click to select a Schedule Slot detail line
At the bottom left there are two buttons:
Complete Slot: - Click this button to change the Status of this Slot to Completed
View Slot Schedule: - Click this button to display the default Schedule Board for the Schedule Slot
At the bottom right there are three buttons:
Refresh Screen: - Click this button to re-display the screen after making changes to some of the detail lines.
Print: - Click this button to print the current screen display for work and review.
Preview: - Click this button to preview the printout for the current screen display.


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