
How do I link a service call or work order to customer equipment?

On the service call screen on the left side there is a section called “CALL RELATES TO”.  In that section is “CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT”.  You can select the equipment that this service call is related to.  If you are creating a new work order you can search for the equipment by selecting the “EQUIPMENT” option at the top right of the “CUSTOMER & JOB SITE” screen. 

Can I reference more than one piece of equipment on a single work order? 

Yes, although the work order itself can be linked directly to only a single equipment you can link multiple pieces of equipment to that work order by adding multiple Problem Codes on the work order and linking each problem code with a different piece of equipment.
In addition, each part or labor record listed on the Items tab of the work order can be linked to different pieces of equipment even if the work order itself is not linked to that equipment

Can I link a piece of equipment to a part or labor item used on the service call/work order?

In the “ITEMS” tab on the work order you can select a part or labor and there is a section called “PART or LABOR  RELATES TO”.  You can select equipment that is used with that part or labor.

How do I access service history for equipment?

When you have the customer equipment details screen open select the “ACTIONS” option at the bottom left of screen.  The select “PRINT EQUIPMENT HISTORY”.  You will be able to select equipment and  problem codes, parts or labor related to that equipment.  

How do I automatically get items that we sell to a customer to be updated in their equipment list?

In the “PARTS DETAIL” screen of your inventory item there is an option on the bottom right called “AUTO CONVERT TO CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT”.  Check this box and the equipment will be added to the customer equipment list.

For parts which are set to ‘Auto Convert to Customer Equipment,’ can I set the point at which the system should generate the equipment?

In the Work Order section of the Company preference screen there is a checkbox ‘Convert Parts to Equipment on Create’, when enabled the system will generate the equipment immediately after the part is used on a work order, however when that option is disabled the system will generate the equipment when you bill that work order.

What is the difference between “Sub-Items” and “Sub-Equip" and how are they used? What is the difference between Sub-Items and Custom Fields?

Sub Equipment is a  component of a main equipment.  After you setup the main piece of equipment, you can then select the tab “SUB-EUIPMENT” tab.  The information is the same as the main equipment BUT this piece of equipment is a component.  You can select this piece of equipment on your work order and the service history will reflect the work done on this sub-equipment.

Sub Items  are list of user defined fields that could be required to further describe this piece of equipment.  Examples would be if you had a computer and you wanted to list the memory, hard drive, speed and other info.  You can setup these list of items and select the options that they can choose from and create a detailed list of specifics for that equipment. 

Sub-items are similar to using Custom Fields but there are differences.  Sub Items can be setup in groups and you can then select a Sub Item group on a piece of equipment and the system will automatically populate on this piece of equipment all the sub items of that specific group.  Custom Fields are setup globally and any custom fields you setup is available on all pieces of equipment .  Custom Fields are available and can be searched by on lookups while Sub Items cannot. Custom Fields info can easily be displayed on reports while with Sub Items it is much more complicated.

How can I move equipment to another Job Site or Customer?

Go to “ACTIONS” under the equipment you want to move and select “CHANGE CUSTOMER AND JOB SITE”.  Then select the customer and job site you want to move the equipment to. 

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